In TOEFL exam this morning, Miss Zee, an American watcher from the main center in
- A medical student, you always come with an attitude, you won't submit your exam, when you calm down and listen carefully, you can come back "Ya Doctor"!!! –She said it with a clear Arabic accent!!
-When you clam down, you can come back "Ya Doctor", just once again !!!
After a while, Miss Z returned the student back, she asked all the students in the Hall:
-How many of you are in Medical Services here?
A bunch of students raised their hands up. She continued:
-Well I know that being in Medical study makes you believe that you are strong in English than other colleagues in engineering or whatever, you are doctors for God Sake, how can you be so rude and save people lives?!!! Being doctors doesn't give you the right to act this way!!!
-If you were in the States you would be acting like: "Yes Madam", "Sorry Sir", "Sure Sir", I just cannot understand why can't you people do the same here?!!!
هناك تعليق واحد:
believe me i have seen people with attitudes range from lowest socially accepted careers
ya3ni mish bas ta3oon il medical .. ma3 in o feeh nas bikoon zyadeh 3an il lizoom
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