الأحد، 13 يوليو 2008

A Tag Homework By Bara2

I was tagged by bara2 (sweetlikerose) , thank you my dear, and as u can see, I am doing my homework now ;-)

And the questions are:

What is the color of ur wallet?

Hmm, it is light pink with dark pink drawings on it, this is its picture:

It is a gift from my sister in my last birthday, this is a picture for my old one too:

Big one, ha??

Do you have pics in your wallet? La meen?

Oh, actually I have a lot of them:
1- I have a lot of my personal pictures,(lzoom el mu3amlat o tagdeem el 6alabat o hek)
2- I have pictures for my best friends during the university time, all with Graduation closthes, (swar el ketab el sanoi y3ni, kolo metzabe6)
3- My cousin Hasan's picture when he was only one and half year old
4- Pictures of my best dearest friend N.
5- A very old personal picture to me when I was so little maybe 3 years old, another one for me and my youngest brother with mother, colored in black and white, I love these pictures alot

What is the color of your shoe/ slipper at this moment?

Nothing, I forgot my slipper in Amman, and I am in my bed, o la hwi ba6ar y3ni?:P

Drinking something? What?


What is the most precious gift you have ever received and you love it still?

The silver ring with pink rose my best friend N, gave to me when I graduated, though I did not like its color at the beginning, but now I adore it so much, once I lost it and get mad till I found it again

Ever had an imaginary friend? If not, name your childhood friends.

Mmm, no imaginary friends at all,my childhood?? I do not remember having many childhood freinds, most of my friends were boys ;-), i remember Fadi was one of them, now he is studying in Germany. My cousins used to b childhood friends and now we do not even speak to each other::-S , i have my friend Maram, i know her for almost 17 years and did not see her since 15 years, we communicate only by msns and phone calls.

What do you want to do at this moment?

Sleep so tight with no chance of sudden or early awakes as what happens to me lately :-S

What is the first thing that comes across your mind when u read or hear the name of the blogger who tagged you?

Sweetlikerose, i keep thinking this is a very long name to choose, and frankly i keep thinking, how could any one describe him/her self that he/she is much sweet!!! Lool, i do not think that Bra2 would tag me ever again:D ,sorry honey u are so sweet indeed:)

I am not free


هناك 21 تعليقًا:

غير معرف يقول...

yaaai kteer nice am the first one who post you a comment :)
missed you meeeees
wala kteeer
LOL 3l me7faza el taneeh...Really huge one actually its abag
but the one u r using now is sweet
Thanks for TAGing me
I'll do it soon inshala
Bs lazm a7ader 7ali shoi :P
we are common in childhood friends
most of kids around were boys
Bs al7amdoo lelah 6li3t bel a5er banooteh :)
TC Sweet :D

sweetlikearose يقول...

looooooooooooooooooooool mayasee ... i'm laughing ... :P
kolhom beda7ko .. 5ososan el slippers :P
for the name: when I choosed the name ..life was sweet with me w 7abeet el2esem .. still i love it ... i didn't know what to choose .. w 5alas .. this was the only name in my mind .. this is my new name ..
btw: when u deal with me personaly i guess u'll second my opinion coz this is what people used to call me :P
metwad3a la allah but i'm telling u why i called myself this name .. :P
:: a7la sweet warde :P ::

عين فى الجنة يقول...

very nice and intelligent answers
and i like the color of your purse and the way you put the shamy words in english
i engoyed this post very much

Waed S. يقول...

I want a new purse like ur older one
kbera w mosta6ela

ana mine is so color ful

nice post ! and looooool @ what u wrote about sweet like a rose 's name

Abed. Hamdan يقول...


so every girl have pics in her wallet

I don't have any pic btw :D

غير معرف يقول...

Nice ....nice... way to go
By the way I was playing with boys too....
Thanks for taging me I well do it soon...but I'm really bad in doing homework

Unknown يقول...

welcome my dear, miss u too
yea shufty 2adeh el ma7fatha kbereh??
bedy el-tag bsur3ah tara:p

walla a7la banooteh o ana ashhad;-)

Unknown يقول...

Lool, malhum el-slipper ya bara2??
hal2 ana fhmet, kan gasdek 3n el 7iah mush 3n 7alek, ahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

6aib 7elo enu fe 7d m3taref enu el7iah kant 7elweh ma3ah:p

ma tz3li 3ini 3shan 7aket kter 3n esmek mashi?

Unknown يقول...


thnx , i like my purse too nice sa7??

o had kaman 7aki shami in english 3shanak:D

Unknown يقول...

lost within

mgadmeh hal ma7fathah, el sara7ah hey betwsa3 kol she, ma shala 3leha betkhdum:)

3shan bara2 name:D no comment

Unknown يقول...

Guys also have pictures, my brothers keep the pictures of their friends with them, so it is not limited to girls only u see:D

Unknown يقول...


another girl that had boys childhood mates:P

any way, i expect v good homework take care :)

sweetlikearose يقول...

ana mo za3lane abadan menek ...
bel3aks ... d7eket la falaset .. bede shawarma ta3weed :P

Unknown يقول...


6aib mnee7 kter, bs ana bedy a3ref 3a shu d7kti bs?
shu hwi el eshi elli beda7ek??

::wa7deh m7tarat::

sweetlikearose يقول...

the song u have in ur blog ...... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT .. it reminds me with so many things in the past .. 5atyarna shayfe ... :P
ana d7eket that u forgot them in Amman ,,, 3amaylee .. then bendal in beds :P hehehehehehehe 5alas d7eket 3leke .. :P
:: mn sho me7tara sa7betek ?? ::

Unknown يقول...

yea what about the song?? it is wonderful i love it!!!!

and tell u something?? it reminds me of many things from the past too, so we are both "khtayareh"LOOL

sa7bety kant me7tarah 3a shu 3m ted7ki?
bet3rfi bara2? shkli bedy a3mal "vote" 3al music ely ba7u6ha 3a blog bs lama arog shoi

::wa7deh garfaneh 7alha::

sweetlikearose يقول...

maybe u should :P

sweetlikearose يقول...

i have my own song ana kaman :P

Unknown يقول...


oh i see :p

Amjad Wadi يقول...


شكرا على التاق
والله قرأت الموضوع من أسبوعين بس ما قدرت أرد و لا أعمل التاق .. عندي شوية أشياء شاغليتني هالفترة .. و شكلي راح أظل نفس الأشي لآخر شهر 8 .. و بعتذر عن الرد المتأخر

Unknown يقول...


و لا يهمك؛ شكلو كل المدونيين مشغولين مع هالصيف؛ أنا خلص ما عدت أتيغ حد بعد اليوم:)